Tuesday, 15 December 2009
Monday, 31 August 2009
Been too busy to blog -review of August
Spent a lot of August, and a couple of days at the end of July staying with my friends at Steward wood helping out on a permaculture course. It was great spending time with old friends and getting to know new ones better. At the equinox I wrote a list of things I want more of in my life-
dark skies so I can appreciate the starlight and moonlight more.
Fire light and friendly faces.
music making, dancing, laughter and creativity.
I ticked a lot of my boxes while I was there. The non-chlorinated water was an extra bonus too and a dry skin problem I've had on my foot for two years has completely cleared up. Bathing in (and drinking) non-chlorinated water is the only thing I can think of to account for it. Haven't lost any weight - I thought the vegan organic diet and all the extra exercise might have let me drop a few pounds - guess the feeding was still too generous. I feel really blessed to have had such a great feeling of community there. Their people-care is great.
I followed the course with a week of camping at East Prawle, just looking out at the ever changing colours of the sky and water was great, though all the low level working of camping gives me back ache - I realise it's because I pick things up by bending at the waist (endgaining- it seeems quicker) but by the time I'd realised that's what I was doing the damage was done. Collected lots of seaweed for seasoning, ate limpets a couple of nights--still chewey though.
Been using the kelp as a skin-care thing, so may have to go and get more, and also look for some carrageenan which I didn't see. Got dulse, laver, sea spaghetti, and bladderwrack and sea lettuce.
Also a new favourite flavour -- rock samphire. Like strong salty thyme, with hints of lemon. I love it. DH and his mates reckon it tastes of shoe polish-- it maybe doesn't travel that well.
I've dried some of it too. Did wonder if it would respond well to lacto-fermentation as a preservation method. Might suggest it to some of my lacto-fermenting friends.
The allotment has been horribly neglected. The washing piles had reached new epic proportions when I got back (mount kiliman-washing), plus all the camping debris needing dried and put away. So we've had a busy week of housework, drying herbs, plus we won a deer in a raffle, so that needed butchered and frozen. And I have a deer hide. Torn beween trying to brain tan and keep the hair on - (don't have the brain and not sure if I can buy brain) or make raw hide to make a drum. My only experience of tanning so far is here, so this is a different bag of cookies, but I will have help this time.
Sunday, 19 July 2009
Friday, 3 July 2009
broadbean pate- tastes like summer

Make a really strong french dressing with loads of garlic, and herbs and mustard to taste. Fresh garlic is great with this.
put the shelled broadbeans into boiling water and cook till tender, about 10 mins. When cool enough to handle pop them out of their skins, cover with the french dressing and lighly mash them together. Leave in the fridge for overnight and then use as a spread on crackers. Or hot buttered toast.
Sunday, 28 June 2009
allotment update
Graham on the next plot gave me some lettuces (enough for a weekend of salads) which was nice as mine have all bolted.
2 rows of my potatoes were looking sad and yellowish, but the next day they looked much recovered after copious watering. Also watered the allotment broadbeans. The pods are well formed but need to fill out a bit more.
The broadbeans in the garden are well above waist height and ready to pick. Will be making my favourite broad bean paté in the next few days, with the fresh garlic I harvested just before going away. Have also been eating raspberries (from home and graham's windbreak) strawberries, wild strawberries (from the lane), white and black currants (just a handful of each, but yummy), and gooseberries, (from the faithful old bush in the garden).
Isn't summer brilliant.
Sunday, 7 June 2009
Friday, 29 May 2009
table top
Friday, 22 May 2009
No photos
The new phone has a camera- I just don't like it as much, just not used to it i suppose and so I haven't used it as much. I will try to get some photo's taken and some updates written.
Wednesday, 13 May 2009
Quick Update
is now full to the brim, have got another barrel to extend it a bit.
Poor Germination
May not be the only culprit - found a huge slug nestled in among the pots.
Hawthorn flowers
Fully opened in the lane by the 4th (almost 3 weeks later thatn the previous year)
Blackfly on Broadbeans
It might be the advantage of a really exposed windy site-- or I was a bit harsh on the mint deterrent---but the black fly have gone.
Saturday, 2 May 2009
Happy Beltane
Germination rates for my sweetcorn really disappointing (about 6 out of 30). In fact germination rates on all my stuff seem poor. apart from the broad beans, which germinated well but now have blackfly. . The mint does not seem to have deterred them and the nasturtiums (sacrificial) went in too late. They're very wee still to pinch out the tops. will try soft soap. Next year also try poached egg plant and summer savoury with them.
it's all a bit depressing. The broad beans (only 6 of them) in the garden still seem fine. ?.
Can't get the ground prepared quick enough either.
Wednesday, 15 April 2009
Changing prevailing use patterns
I also want some shade on the deck so with a mixture of pots and my gabion basket screens, I've pretty well blocked off that route across the deck, at least to anyone with two feet. It does make it feel a bit smaller, but also more enclosed.
The next job is going to have to be extending the pond.
(photo to follow when the boys and their tent are off the deck.)
Sunday, 12 April 2009
Rebuilt wall.

Reviewing things that have worked and things that haven't.
My barrier mulch against the couch was a loser and hence the whole garden is having an edit as I try to dig it out by hand. I have traced roots as much as a meter long. I have moved, changed and rebuilt raised beds and retaining walls. The plan this time is that after removing every trace I can find, I will use strategic planting of some rampant sedums that appear to be beating it in their sections of the garden, though that might be temporary. The year before last I would have sworn that my long term mulching was winning the war.
I will continue to use sheet mulches, the removal of the roots is much easier where they have been in place.
Monday, 30 March 2009
Friday, 27 March 2009
Yield so far
I jar dried dandelion root.
I Rhubarb Sponge
Much stronger legs and tummy muscles
Wednesday, 25 March 2009
Surprise finds - country wines
Any way tonight I've discovered one that is very sweet and lightly fizzy. It's got a good body and a very clean taste with just a hint of muscadet to the nose. The only thing I can think it is is a primrose I made in 2002. That's about right for the other bottles I've found. I somehow don't think that the 2002 elderflower is going to taste this good
Wednesday, 18 March 2009
the mindmap/permaculture connection
I'm loving the book-lovely colour images of radiant and dendritic shapes-
I'm short of time for writing/blogging/gardening/learning/planning.
The book is full of exercises to try.
I think i'm going to try recording my thinking here using mind-maps for a while.
Sunday, 15 March 2009
The plot just next to me admits to having not lifted his last year, too.
fortunately the main crop potato i've chosen has moderate blight resistance (Sante). Next year I'll look into sourcing Sarpo types.
my pink fir apples are more susceptible. hopefully the earlies should be out by then?
Have now read loads about blight, so with fingers and toes crossed that we're due a dry summer this year, I'm going to hedge my bets and grow some in the garden at home too.
also remember to look out for next year's potato day (it was january this year.)
yield is theoretically unlimited
Tuesday, 10 March 2009
how do you tell a plum from a pear when not in leaf?
I needed to know because I came across some of the cheapest fruit trees I've ever seen on Saturday at £5.50 each. I've been wanting to put some kind of fruit tree in the garden for ages, toying with the idea of a very mini forest garden. Anyway, in what for me is a mad spending spree I bought a cherry, 3 plums and a 2 pears. I carefully stacked them out the back to await planting.
It blew up a hoolay that very night, "the wind blew as t'wad blown it's last" etc and all the labels blew off. The cherry was easy to sort out --paler bark and a much more delicate look all together. The other 5 bare root year old fruit trees were pretty much of a muchness. After careful studying I'm hopeful I've sorted them out. There was a very slight pale fleck mark running vertically on the bark of 2 of them and the other 3 seemed to be completely self coloured. So I've planted the 2 flecked ones (pears I hope) up at t'allotment, while the 3 plums are going to be trained against the fences in the garden. The cherry is going into a very big pot while I think about it.
I've been up the allotment in the dimsky 3 nights in a row now. The last two nights I've been there from just after 5 till 7o'clock. Even though it's been breezy up there both nights, I've been busy enough to stay warm. The view is phenomenal. The topsoil is 12-18 inches of really nice loam over a red clay subsoil. Things begin to recover a bit from the brutal strimmer haircut it had before hand over and I think I've got raspberry canes too. And one very neat row of oniony things. My body aches all over, but it's a muscular, I'm getting fitter type ache, rather than a my joints are going to catch fire or my tendons are getting shredded type ache (so far anyway).
oh also saw a very bright shooting star tonight. that or some space hardware dropping back to earth. It wasn't even properly dark yet and the moon was full. I must check if any showers are due.
Saturday, 7 March 2009
Murphy bed part 4 (horizontal version)
Tuesday, 3 March 2009
obrredim? and the learning curve
Allotment rules about keeping weeds under control and a certain percentage "in active cultivation" mean I don't have the luxury of spending a year in the planning of my plot.
This learning curve is very steep. and so is the hill up t'allotment. the calves of my legs are killing me
Seed Potatoes-update
arran pilot 1st early
Edzell Blue and Nicola (very small bags) 2nd early
Sante mc
pink firapple late main crop/salad
Sunday, 1 March 2009
allotment and obredim process
Careful observation has revealed a couple of rhubarb crowns and about half a dozen strawberries, so some sort of yield shoud be possible, (you can just make out one of the crowns in the bottom left quadrant of the photo). Picture is taken facing fairly well due South. Prevailing wind is South Westerly and those trees down the bottom (I'm told by John, my next door neighbour but one) cast shade about half way up in winter. The slope is fairly steep (still to figure out how steep). I want to find out the altitude too, cos its quite high up.
Well the actual plot boundaries are visible in the photo. The allotment rules are another set of boundaries to consider, the no sheds above 1.5m thing is a bit difficult when I live so far away and love drinking tea in sheds. Apparently getting much of a yield from certain crops might involve setting some serious boundaries for thieving squirrels and pigeons. Time is definitely a boundary issue, especially this year just getting it at the beginning of the planting season, and just when the home garden needs attention too. but also in terms of the time available for maintaining it.
2 tool storage cupboards 1meter high
pallet compost bin (contents not very composty, but not fully explored)
a bit of weed proof membrane
John, my friendly new neighbour.
John's hose pipe that will reach all the way to the water standpipe.
water available on site
seems an odd place to put evaluation, before design, but I suppose you evaluate what you've got so far, and what you've learned from other design tools/processes you've used before designing, and then since its a circular process, you end up back there again after
Maintain and then back to
Saturday, 28 February 2009
cataloging baskets
murphy bed part 3, the mechanism
Thursday, 26 February 2009
seed potatoes, height above sea level
Wednesday, 25 February 2009
broadbeans in yellow pages pots
Monday, 16 February 2009
allotment panic
4 year crop rotations
companion planting, (savoury with broad beans)
should buy some lime for the brassicas.
made some nifty little root trainer pots out of old yellow pages and sowed my first lot of Broad beans.