Thursday, 26 February 2009

seed potatoes, height above sea level

My seed potato buying trip before heading off to France ended up in a random grab of two small bags. The information I needed about the type I was buying (e.g. waxy or floury, blight resistant, etc)wasn't available in the store. here are some sesources to help with choosing seed potatoes. I am now off to make a more informed choice on what others to grow. chart from showing main characterisitics of various "tatties" The when's why's and how's of all things potato, from topveg. A bit about slug resistance, I think it came from a gardenweb forum If you have a problem with slugs eating your potatoes then there are anumber of Slug resistant varieties some of which we have tried and canrecommend (marked with **) for clay soil... Kestral** - second early (good keeper for a SE) Lady Rosetta - se Maritiema - se Romano** (red skinned)- early maincrop Hermes - maincrop Midas- mc Pentland Dell - mcSpey **(child of Kestral, very similar)- maincrop

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